Monday, December 24, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
i wanna go back to my city by the bay ...
The next morning we woke up early and started the day off with coffee at Espresso. Being the good friend, I offered to throw away our coffee cups ... which I now know is not a smart thing to do when wearing brand-new, unscuffed boots. In a nutshell, I ate shit in front of everyone, including the SFD Beefeater. I quickly jumped up, telling everyone I was fine, but five minutes later, I noticed blood coming through my leggings. We stopped on someone's stoop so I could put a SpongeBob bandaid on, but by the end of the day, that was the least of my problems. My knee had bruising, a huge scab, and I couldn't bend it. Almost two weeks later, the thing still isn't back to normal. I will say I was a trooper though and still walked everywhere.

Of course, no trip to SF would be complete without an Irish Coffee at the Buena Vista. We managed to get a seat inside, which was tough, and enjoyed more than a few of the famous drinks ... you know, it was really just to numb the pain of my knee :)

From there, we headed to Ghiradelli Square and then back to the Wharf for some clam chowder and fresh crab. I swear, NO clam chowder in southern California even compares to any clam chowuder in NorCal. It just tastes so much more fresh up there. Anyway, that afternoon, we headed back to Union Square, with a pit-stop at the Rogue Ale House in North Beach. Surprisingly, they had Butte Creek on-tap, which I have never seen outside of Chico. Diana and I opted for a sampler.

Once we arrived back at the hotel. we did some shopping. One thing I love about the city during the holidays is how everything looks so festive. Macy's has wreaths in every window and Saks had giant snowflakes hanging off of its facade. It puts me in the Christmas spirit!

That night we cabbed it across town for dinner at my absolute favorite restaurant in the world ... ABSINTHE!!! We had an attentive waiter and a very hot sommelier :) The food was amazing, fried chickpeas were amazing, the proseco was amazing, and of course, the company was fabulous!

The next morning, we took the cable car down to the Union Street shopping area and bought out half off Jest Jewels inventory. If you have never been, go! They have the most amazing jewelry and gifts, but the best is their cashmere pashminas in every color for only $50! I knocked off half of my Christmas list in that one store.

Then it was onto the Palace of Fine Arts, which hands-down is one of my favorite places in the world. The architecture is phenomenal and I never get tired of it. It is peaceful, comforting, and beautiful all at once.

We finished up our trip with a visit to the beach so we could take pictures of the Golden Gate ... and it was a perfect day to do so! The skies were clear, the sun was out ... and I couldn't have asked for anything else. So until next year San Francisco ...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
bust a move ...
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
i am too old for this!

(Jessie decided to get dressed up as well)
The taping was over by 8:15pm so we decided we would head over to the after-party held at Boulevard3 in Hollywood. We figured we'd have a drink, eat something, and then be home by 10pm. Well, we were wrong.
(Lydia and I enjoying Boulevard3's outdoor patio ... Cuba Gooding Jr. was on the other side of us)
We started off with some Patron cocktails and visited some of the food stations ... sushi, carving, Asian, Italian, etc ... and the dessert bar. Everything was awesome. However, it really started to go down hill when we visited the large bar located near the dance floor ... fast foward to six glasses of champagne later and I was having a great time! Samantha Ronson, aka Lindsay Lohan's BFF, dj'd and she was awesome. So we danced and drank the night away ... and didn't leave until 2am ... which means by the time we got home and helped a vomiting Lydia to bed ... I didn't go to sleep until 3am. Let me just say that my 5:30am wake-up call was not welcomed and I have absolutely NO idea how I used to go out on weeknights and then get up and go to work without a care. I was cranky and miserable on Monday.

(I decide to double-fist champagne ... not my best idea)
But you only live once and I've got to live it up before I turn the big 3-0 this May. Besides, when else can you drink and dance with celebrities at one of LA's hottest clubs ... all for free???

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
my so-called life
On Friday, Molly, the fork, and I drove up to Apple Hill (see picture) for our traditional apple donuts and tri-tip sandwich. Molly got a little excited about the sandwich, although I can't really poke fun because I am obsessed with the donuts. That night we went over to Merle and Cherie's house where I abused both physically and mentally by a prank-calling, Crown-Royal swigging Steve. For those of you keeping track that was my third bed of the trip. Saturday was lunch with mom and Lindsay and then a brief trip to Arden Fair Mall, which was suprisingly calm. That night Molly and I saw the oh-so-horrible movie August Rush and then I slept in her bed ... four beds in four nights.
When I got home on Sunday, Diana and I decided to do some Christmas shopping ... for ourselves! I gave myself two dresses, a sweater, tights, and some kick-ass tan knee high boots (check them out below ... so cute). Diana wasn't far behind and bought the same boots in black and the same tights. I was actually in the holiday spirit ... it was cold, the outside portion of Del Amo was decorated with lights, christmas carols were blaring, and I had a peppermint latte. Yum!!!
So now I have 90% of my shopping done and can look forward to the big USC v. UCLA game this weekend ... a game we will dominate, thus enabling us to go to the Rose Bowl. The weekend after that it's off to the city (SF for you non-NorCalifornians) for our annual girls weekend ... which to me means the Sir Francis Drake Beefeaters, crocque-monsiuers and fried chickpeas at Absinthe, and bellinis at the Bubble Lounge.
Life is good.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
mickey "the diva" mouse

We got into the park at 10 am on the nose and it was literally empty. We rode Space Mountain twice in 5 minutes and never waited in any line longer than 15 minutes. This gave us time to lounge around in Mickey's house.

Speaking of Mickey, this was literally the strangest thing I have ever experienced at an amusement park. After trapsing through his damn house for 5 minutes trying to find his barn where he was "filming a movie," we had to wait in a 15 minute line. Of course, we get to the front of the line and they shut the door and tell us to wait, which we do. Then suddenly, the door opens, we are shoved into a small, hot room and there is Mickey in his sorcerer get-up. Allison and I are pushed up next to him and before I can blink there is a camera in my face with someone saying, "Smile!" and before I know it, we are back outside on the pavement, saying to each other "What the f***???" Unless I had the picture to prove it, I wouldn't believe we actually got to meet the mouse.
Other highlights ... getting soaking wet on the lamest part of Splash Mountain (check out our wet jeans in the picture) and walking around the entire friggin' park looking for a pretzel ... only to find THE ONLY stand tucked away behind It's a Small World.
All in all though ... it was a day of laughter and friendship that I will remember forever. And I am so happy I was able to do it for such a special, amazing, talented, beautiful and wonderful best friend!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
drink up!
To be quite honest with you, most of the day was a blur. I do remember it was cold, the jeep was noisy, and my hair was insanely wind-blown. However, I also remember that California is a stunningly beautiful place to live and I am incredibly luck to call it home ... and that I love Diana, Lydia, Joanna, and Allison and can't even begin to explain in words how lucky I am to have them in my life. No amount of wine could ever make me forget that.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
stop, drop, roll
Monday, October 22, 2007
smoky the bear
Thursday, October 4, 2007
of all the places I have ever lived, chico is the only place I have ever felt at home
My favorites ... Maisie Jane's (the Tamari Almonds are the best), Satava Glass Studio, Plutos, 5th Street Steakhouse, Tacos de Acapulco, Bidwell Park, Chico State, and of course ... Sierra Nevada Brewery. That was the first thing we did when we got into town.
(Molly, Lindsay, Diana)
She even tried the beer sampler!
The next morning we got up and took the dogs to the Tree Farm. If you are an outdoor lover and have dogs, Chico is your town. There are so many places for dogs to walk off-leash, the Tree Park being one of them. Here is Mae, with her stick:
Apparently, Mae doesn't realize she is really a black-lab-runt. She carried that stick, er branch, with her throughout the entire morning.
That night we celebrated Molly's birthday at the Madison Bear Garden (the Bear) and Panamas:
Oh ... and Woodstock's too. Diana was excited to see one because she ate there during her undergrad days at UCSB.
Before we had to hop on a plane the next day, we went for a long hike in Upper Bidwell. It was a perfect fall day - clear views with a light breeze. That's what I like about Chico, it has the parties, drinking, shopping, eating, etc ... but drive two minutes away and you are surrounding by beautiful scenery. The perfect end to a perfect visit.

If you haven't visited Chico, it's worth the trip. I'll even be your tour guide :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
watch out ace of cakes!
Monday, October 1, 2007
thailand revisited
Instead, click on the picture of the three of us in front of a temple in Chiang Rai, and you will directed to our online Picasa album. If you have any questions about what's going on in a certain picture, let me know and I'll fill you in!

Friday, September 7, 2007
home sweet home
Our last night in Phuket was amazing. Leanna and I had the best massages/body scrubs overlooking the ocean. The only downside ... I sprained my ankle walking (or rather falling) down the spa steps to our room. Didn't stop me from enjoying my last night, but I had a total cankle the next day.
The seafood buffet was so delicious. I had lobster, crab, prawns, and salmon. I even celebrated with a glass of Thai chenin blanc wine that was pretty decent. We woke up the next morning and caught our flight to Singapore and then had about 2 hours for a city tour. The city is absolutely amazing. It's so clean, beautifully landscaped, etc. I definitely want to go back ... and think it's a great trip for someone not quite ready for full-blown Asia as it has a more-Western feel to it. The highlight of the trip was our visit to the famed Raffles hotel. It's even more beautiful in person that in pictures and my only regret is I was not able to sit in the hotel bar and order a Singapore Sling!
My goal today is to unpack and sort through my stuff. Pictures will probably be tomorrow. Oh ... and guess I should get back on the Pacific time table!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
i left my heart in phuket
The next morning we flew to Phuket. Our hotel is absolutely gorgeous ... but Patong (the nearby town) is so gross. It's a total replica of TJ. Bars, vendors, skanky girls, etc. And the shopping is a joke. Yesterday it poured rain all day so we hung at our hotel, walked around town ... and had yet another massage (our fifth of the trip).
We decided to do some packing last night and then actually had a great Italian dinner at our hotel and then went to bed early in anticipation of today's trip. We were all nervous about the rain, but Buddha smiled down on us and there was not a cloud in the sky the entire day. The surrounding islands are breathtaking and the water is crystal blue and warm.
In 30 minute Leanna and I are having a 60-min massage followed by a 30-min body scrub at our hotel's spa on the beach. It's a splurge in Thai baht, but still only $90 each. Then we'll meet up with Crissy for a seafood BBQ on the beach. This has truly been the perfect end to a perfect trip.
We fly out tomorrow morning and while I am sad to leave am ready for home and my own bed. Our layover is Singapore is 4.5 hours so we are fortunate to go on a 2-hour tour of the city ... and the famed Raffles Hotel. That will at least be something to look forward to tomorrow.
I will see some of you soon ... and will post pictures for the rest when I can. I hope you all enjoyed this. Ciao!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
fight on sc!!!
Anyway, I am writing from Chiang Mai. We have had a great time here so far, although I do have to say that after Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai isn't quite living up to my expectations. Perhaps if we had more time to explore outside the city.
When we arrived yesterday, we were all in awe of our hotel, the Tamarind Village. It is straight out of Architectural Digest. We laid around the pool for awhile and then went on a two-hour boat trip on the Ping River to a fruit farm. The river is pretty polluted, but we saw some beautiful houses. At the farm we tried dragon fruit, which I thought was way too sour, like a lime.
On the trip we met two guys, Thijs from Amsterdam and Nik from Stockholm. After Leanna flirted :) we met up with them at the Night Bazaar. I can't even describe to you how big this thing is. It's huge. We didn't even cover 25% of it so we're going back after we finish checking email. Although we only covered 25%, we did manage to shop a lot!
After another delicious Thai dinner, we met up with the guys and had drinks at the Sham Rock Bar (that's how it's spelled here) and drank Changa beer and played Jenga. Neither boy had ever seen it and by the end, Nik was a monster.
Today we traveled into the mountains to a Hmong Village. The village was interesting ... more cute dogs who will be next week's dinner ... but what was amazing was the scenery. It was like the Amazon ... SO beautiful. We had a to take a 4x4 truck to get there. The sad part was a little dog who kept following us everywhere ... with his front let hanging together by skin :(
On our way back down the mountain we visited temple Wat Doisuthep which is high on the mountain top. It was gorgeous. Buddhas everywhere and a view to die for. Today was the head monk's birthday so we got to see a lot of special ceremonies. Speaking of which, monks are all over this town as it has as many temples at Bangkok. One is sitting next to me now checking out his MySpace friends. I kid you not.
So that is Chiang Mai in a nutshell. It's the market tonight, then to bed early after last night ... followed by a morning massage and then a plane flight to Phuket, the last stop on our journey. I am so excited to head to the beach!!!
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Miss you all!!!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
keanu reeves = pure evil
1) On our drive here, I noticed that no matter how small or poor a village, it has the most ornate and beautiful temple. It's beautiful to see how passionate the Thai people feel about their religion.
2) In a new temple outside of Chiang Rai, we saw the artist's representation of heaven and hell on murals covering the four walls. Heaven contained the usual images of Buddha, clouds, light ... while hell contained demons, terrorism ... and Keanu Reeves.
I kid you not.
Friday, August 31, 2007
long live chiang rai!
Our last day in Bangkok was interesting. We narrowly-avoided being scammed, shopped, saw more Buddhas, and then went to an amazing Thai dance show. We culminated the evening at the Patpong night market which is full of "ping-pong" or "pussy" shows. Yeah, you don't want to know. The next morning we each had a 1 1/2 hour massage in our room before flying here.
The city is so lovely. It is green, no traffic, and very friendly. While I enjoyed Bangkok and am glad I experienced it, I was so ready to leave. It is huge, congested, and dirty. If you think LA traffic is bad, you haven't seen anything until you have been here. Chiang Rai is the total and complete opposite.
Our hotel, the Dusit River Resort, is amazing. It is situated on the Kok River. When we got here, we all swam in the huge pool and had drinks at the swim-up bar. Last night we took a rickshaw (new mode of transport for us) to the night market and did some shopping. Today we got up and our lady boy guide, more on that at another time, took us to see two hill tribes - one from Tibet and one from China. While it was sad to see how they live, constant refugees (oh ... and they eat their pet dogs!!!) the country was beautiful and we learned a lot. Even saw some poppies!
We got back to the resort, swam, and then Leanna and I had yet another massage. This one was great ... my masseuse even walked all over my back! This evening we walked all over the small town (population 30,000) and are amazed at how nice everyone is. We walked the grounds of a Buddhist university with some amazing temples and even-more amazing Buddhas. Then we walked across town to a restaurant called Cabbages & Condoms. It is run by a non-profit AIDS organization that aims to make condoms as easy to find as cabbages :) The food was great ... I had spicy tom-yam soup, red curry, and some pineapple rice. We also had a huge beer each ... Tiger Beer. We have also had Singha and Chang.
We are headed back to the night market and then to bed for our early morning drive to Chiang Mai. We are really looking forward to it ... especially because we don't have to fly this time :) I will again try to post and am sure I will be able to do so as Internet cafes are everywhere we go.
So while I am sad to leave Chiang Rai, I am excited for my next adventure. I hope this blog is somewhat amusing. I am having fun writing it, but have many more stories and pictures to share. I love and miss you all ... see you in exactly one week!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
three nights in bangkok ...
Our hotel is great, Crissy and I have been swimming a few times. Yesterday was a bit rough acclimating to the time difference, but today we all feel great. I am in heaven with beautiful, awe-inspiring Buddhas everywhere I turn. I can't post pictures, but will have tons to post when I get home. Tomorrow we have another massage in the morning and then we fly off to Chiang Rai (ChiangRai for you Adam) in the north. I don't know if Internet will be as accessible, but hope to post once at each of my stops.
I love and miss you all ... but want to give a special internet hug to Diana who is taking such good care of Annie. You will be rewarded :)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
are we there yet???
the good news ... crissy just spotted a coffee bean. over and out.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
oh, jack talk thai ... jack talk thai very well!
I am nervous, excited, happy, anxious ... and ready-to-go! I will post when I can. Bon Voyage!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
go shorty ... it's your berfday!

Monday, July 30, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i *heart* savannah!

The city is also extremely proud of its history, and celebrates it with numerous monuments and statues, such as the below statue of James Oglethorpe and a fountain commemorating the Civil War.
Savannah is laid out in a system of squares, and most of the statues are placed in the center of the squares, such as this one. Note the Spanish Moss, it was beautiful and gets its names from the Native Americans, who when they first saw it, thought it looked like the beards of the Spanish conquistadors.
Like any good tourist town, Savannah celebrates its claim to fame, Midnight in the Garden of Good And Evil. There are numerous gift shops and tours devoted to the book. I refrained from most of them, but did manage to snap a shot of the Mercer House, the house where the book's main character Jim Williams shot his young lover.
I also had a chance to drive the short distance to the coast and checked out the Tybee Island Lighthouse:
Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't admit that part of the reason I was excited to visit Savannah was because it is the home of Paula Deen (and her two sons)! Savannah TRULY celebrates her fame ... it is unusual to walk into a shop and not see her smiling face looking at you from a cookbook or two. On my last night there, I had a chance to eat at her restaurant, The Lady & Sons and all kidding aside, it was EXCELLENT southern food. So here I am, post-meal ... smiling, with a belly full of soul food, happy to be in Savannah.