On Friday, Molly, the fork, and I drove up to Apple Hill (see picture) for our traditional apple donuts and tri-tip sandwich. Molly got a little excited about the sandwich, although I can't really poke fun because I am obsessed with the donuts. That night we went over to Merle and Cherie's house where I abused both physically and mentally by a prank-calling, Crown-Royal swigging Steve. For those of you keeping track that was my third bed of the trip. Saturday was lunch with mom and Lindsay and then a brief trip to Arden Fair Mall, which was suprisingly calm. That night Molly and I saw the oh-so-horrible movie August Rush and then I slept in her bed ... four beds in four nights.
When I got home on Sunday, Diana and I decided to do some Christmas shopping ... for ourselves! I gave myself two dresses, a sweater, tights, and some kick-ass tan knee high boots (check them out below ... so cute). Diana wasn't far behind and bought the same boots in black and the same tights. I was actually in the holiday spirit ... it was cold, the outside portion of Del Amo was decorated with lights, christmas carols were blaring, and I had a peppermint latte. Yum!!!
So now I have 90% of my shopping done and can look forward to the big USC v. UCLA game this weekend ... a game we will dominate, thus enabling us to go to the Rose Bowl. The weekend after that it's off to the city (SF for you non-NorCalifornians) for our annual girls weekend ... which to me means the Sir Francis Drake Beefeaters, crocque-monsiuers and fried chickpeas at Absinthe, and bellinis at the Bubble Lounge.
Life is good.