On the other hand, my heart is happy because this little girl touched so many people's lives and because of that, strangers came together to mourn and celebrate. This little girl's short time on earth brough good that will continue for years to come.
Today is Madeline Alice Spohr's second birthday. I say is because I believe she's up there, eating a cream puff and looking down over all of us and smiling. I believe she is with her parents today, keeping watch over them and helping get through this incredibly difficult day.
I walked into my office today and realized that without meaning to, I am wearing a purple dress - purple was Maddie's favorite color. More proof that she is still with us in spirit.
I know we are all tightening our belts, especially with the holidays coming up, but if you can find it in your heart, or your wallet, to donate $25 to sponsor a NICU Support Pack in honor of Maddie, please do:
And if you can't do that, stop by the bakery and grab a cream puff and savor every bite because that's what Maddie would do if she was here.